
Lè Architecture
全球水岸經濟蔚為趨勢,南港經貿軟體園區一路之隔, 水岸企業總部趨之若鷥,坐擁基隆河水岸景觀第一排,中信金融大樓Intel、西門子、IBM等上下游產業鏈群聚,企業擴編、品牌提升、走向國際,舊大樓換新總部第一選
Waterfront flagship headquarters in sync with world trends Located across the road from the Nangang Economic and Trade Software Center, sitting in the first row of the Keelung River waterfront landscape. The first choice for enterprise expansion, brand promotion, going international, and headquarters.


Lè Architecture
地標創造價值,外觀就是地址。產業要升級國際路線,氣派門面將是重點,國際團隊Aedas,以接軌國際的格局,打造嶄新的企業門面 ,全台唯一水晶聚光體,要讓世界看見您的驕傲
Landmark creates value, and its appearance is the address. Aedas creates a brand new corporate facade with an international pattern to let the world see your pride.


Lè Architecture
The first in Taiwan to implant the concept of an urban living room, allowing everyone to shuttle through the natural and flowing space, providing creative places for workers to relax and be inspired. It has won over ten international architectural awards and is the first in Taiwan to win the LEED International Gold Building Medal of Honor.


Lè Architecture
The project design actively pursued sustainable goals. In addition to the greenery, a breathable building envelope was introduced to increase the flexibility and diversity of the architectural facade.
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Lè Architecture
彈性空間,創意隨你,單層200坪∼整棟3000坪,彈性格局客製化單位合併,適合傳產及各式新創產業 對於頂級辦公室不同需求的理想指標,更符合在地企業發展需求、台商運籌中心,外資投入成立據點公司避險買進高收益資產等各項需求
Flexible space,creativity in yours. 200 pings per level. 3000 pings in total for the entire building. Flexible pattern merger of customized units.
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02-2653-0333 砳建築現場・0939-555-111 Michael劉

02-2653-0333 砳建築現場
0939-555-111 Michael劉